PTO: A robust infrastructure for production, transport and storage

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A robust infrastructure for production, transport and storage

The energy supply of the future demands innovative solutions. As it stands, electricity only provides 20% of our ultimate energy demand. We will need to find a solution for the other 80%. Furthermore, wind and solar energy do not supply a constant yield. That demands new forms of transport and storage.


Goeree-Overflakkee produces more green electricity than it consumes. Converting the excess into green hydrogen creates a buffer for times when insufficient wind or solar energy is generated. Hydrogen also supplies the energy demand that cannot be covered by electricity. A connection with the Rotterdam port area is interesting to balance demand and supply. Rotterdam can be supplied when there is an overproduction on the island. A lot of grey hydrogen – made of natural gas – is currently used there. Conversely, with a peak demand on the island, the supply of hydrogen from the port region can be used.


This project explores the technical and economic feasibility of a robust regional infrastructure for distributing and storing green hydrogen. From an initial local solution, the connection to the mainland offers options for scaling up. And in order to bridge the differences between demand and supply and as such accelerate the development of a market for green hydrogen. In a partnership with Gasunie, we are working towards a liquid and open market in which (green) hydrogen will become an option for all sectors.


Swipe through the timelines to see the steps taken in this project.

Level 1
Phase 1: Research
Level 1
Phase 1: Research
This phase consists of three levels, each focused on research. To start with, we have a specific technology or innovation in mind. There are assumptions about the working principles, the business case and feasibility. Extensive preliminary research is required to validate these assumptions. Based on this research, we can accurately formulate the technical concept and the scope. The first tests then lead to a proof of concept.
Level 2
Phase 2: Innovation
Level 2
Phase 2: Innovation
The development phase is intended to further test the proof of concept from the research phase. That often occurs using basic prototypes on a small scale, for example in a lab or test environment. If successful, the following step is to test the technology in a relevant environment – a situation comparable to the future application. The prototypes are usually further defined in this stage. As such, a prototype is developed that demonstrates how the technology works.
Level 3
Phase 3: Pilots and demonstrations
Level 3
Phase 3: Pilots and demonstrations
In this phase, the emphasis shifts from the technological operation to issues such as production and certification. The system itself is, in fact, operational in a pilot or demonstration project. Once in practice, further fine-tuning and optimisation are unavoidable. This is also the phase to introduce the innovation to the market and to prepare for production.
Level 4
Phase 4: Ready to use
Level 4
Phase 4: Ready to use
The pilot and demonstration phase help make the innovation technically and commercially ready for production and market introduction.

Learning objectives

How can hydrogen be stored as safely and efficiently as possible? Does the exchange of hydrogen with the regional infrastructure of the Rotterdam port area offer possibilities and thereby guarantee supply and back-up facilities? Can an overproduction of green hydrogen on the island be easily used elsewhere, while also guaranteeing the supply for the island?